
The x2VOL mobile application was designed and developed to supplement the client’s existing web portal in response to the growing demand for on-the-go accessibility and a native mobile experience.

Working closely with intelliVOL stake holders as well as their existing web service technology partners, I provided UX/UI design help, native mobile development, implementation of existing web service functionality as well as development of new web services to accommodate for additional mobile only capabilities.


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Technology Summary:

Xcode, Swift, UIKit, SOAP/XML, XCTest, MapKit, Photos, URLSession, Dispatch(GCD)


Technology Summary:

Xcode, Swift, UIKit, Core Data, Dispatch(GCD), PDFKit, JSON, XML, Core Location, Core Bluetooth, Core NFC, AV Foundation, Photos


Beacon LLC

Accuscribe was developed in response to an opportunity to provide a native mobile component to work in conjunction with proprietary hardware to revolutionize measuring and reporting processes via remote oil rig locations.

Working as a remote team with another technology partner who provided the base application design and UI, I was brought in as apart of a core technology group, tasked with bringing the patent-pending technology to life.


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